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[快讯] PE版/Win 10版 0.16 更新预告 - Boss更新

  • TA的每日心情
    2018-4-14 05:18
  • 签到天数: 1283 天


    发表于 2016-8-30 06:08:39 | 只看该作者 |0人打赏回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 Wolverine 于 2016-8-30 20:26 编辑

    UPDATE: Oops! It turns out the Wither got stuck in traffic and couldn’t make it to the first beta roll-out. But he’ll be in the beta (along with the Nether Star) on Friday!

    The adventurous among you will know there’s nothing quite like taking down a ferocious boss to prove your gaming might. Until now, that’s been a tricky thing for Pocket Edition/Windows 10 crafters to do.
    相信每一位玩家都很清楚在游戏冒险当中,干掉一个凶猛的BOSS是证明你能力和游戏潜能的最好办法。但是到目前为止,这对于PE版和Win 10版玩家来说仍然是一个很棘手问题。

    Thanks to update 0.16 that’s about to change. Soon Pocket Edition/Windows 10 players will have access to some of the most ferocious mobs we’ve ever devised. But we’re not stopping there - the update will also include ocean monuments and the trinkets to explore them, a bunch of new blocks, beacons, and Slash commands. We’re calling it The Boss Update because it includes bosses, is “boss” in nature, and is in charge of hiring and firing all the other updates released so far.
    别担心,借由0.16更新所提供的一些改变。PE版和Win 10版玩家很快会与我们设计的世上最凶残的生物进行厮杀。远远不止这些,这次更新还包括海底神殿以及发掘工具,更多新方块,信标,和一些初级的命令。我们将本次更新称之为“BOSS更新”,因为我们添加了很多BOSS,就是自然界中所谓的BOSS,以及负责目前为止所以其他的更新。

    So yes, the big baddies. First, there’s the Elder Guardian who has a penchant for hanging out in the new underwater ocean monuments with an army of minions while shooting lazers. Elder Guardians are a force to be reckoned with. But this update also includes the Wither - a three-headed spookster that shoots blue skulls at your face. I’m a bit scared of the Wither to be honest. That said, I don’t recommend shying away from either of these mobs - defeat them and you’ll get rare loot including sponges and Nether Stars. Handy!
    是的,大块头。首先,居住在海底神殿的远古守卫者有一个喜欢和其他普通守卫者边放射雷射光边闲逛的嗜好。远古守卫者的力量不容小觑。但本次更新同样添加了凋零 — 它是一个会朝你脸上发射蓝色头颅的三头怪物。说真的,我害怕凋零。但是,我不建议回避这些生物 — 只要你有能力打败他们,你就会得到罕见的战利品,包括海绵和下届之星。一大堆哟!

    In less creepy news we’re also bringing Slash commands to Pocket and Windows 10 Editions of Minecraft. They give you the chance to tweak the way the game plays - you can give items away, summon mobs, change the time of day, and lots more, all while playing the game. This update included 20 commands but we’ll be adding more in the future.
    说完了这令人毛骨悚然的新闻之后,我们也在本次PE版和Win 10版的更新中添加了初级命令。这使你有机会调整游戏的进行方式 — 你可以在游戏中交易你的物品,召唤生物,改变时间,以及更多。本次更新添加了20个命令,但我们会在未来继续增加更多。

    The Boss Update will be available as a free update soon-ish for all Pocket Edition, Windows 10 Edition, and Gear VR Edition players but if you’re playing Minecraft on Android, you can help us test it out right now! Sign up to the beta, and give us feedback so we can make it even better! One note - players with active Realms won’t be able to access them while testing - you’ll need to revert back to 0.15.6 to re-enter your worlds.
    BOSS更新将在PE/Win10/Gear VR上免费同步更新,如果你是Android玩家,你可以帮助我们测试游戏!现在立马点击加入测试组,并提供给我们反馈,让我们做得更好!一个小提示 — 玩家在测试的时候无法使用领域服,您需要使用回0.15.6版本。

    We’ll be sharing more information on The Boss Update at MINECON. Until then, happy crafting!









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