
标题: [插件教程]PvPGun-在服务器里创造自己的枪械! [打印本页]

作者: Wikiworker    时间: 2015-12-5 22:30
标题: [插件教程]PvPGun-在服务器里创造自己的枪械!






插件下载 http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c1tPehE


作者: Wikiworker    时间: 2015-12-5 22:31
  1. //The Name of the Gun 枪械显示的名字,支持颜色代码
  2. gunName=&aAK-47
  3. //The Item ID of the GUN 枪械物品ID
  4. gunType=277
  5. //The Item ID of the ammo that the gun uses 枪械弹药ID
  6. ammoType=295
  7. //The amount of ammo your gun needs 每次射击需要的弹药数量
  8. ammoAmtNeeded=1
  9. //The delay (in ticks) before you can shoot again 射击速度(也就是每多少tick可以射击一次,1秒=20tick)
  10. bulletDelayTime=7
  11. //The reloading sound mechanism (NORMAL, PUMP, BOLT, INDIVIDUAL_BULLET) 换弹音效
  12. reloadType=NORMAL
  13. //The amount of bullets your gun fires per burst 子弹射出后分裂数量(霰弹枪需要这个设置)
  14. roundsPerBurst=1
  15. //The amount of bullet your gun fires in a group
  16. bulletsPerClick=1
  17. //The damage PER BULLET (20 damage = 10 hearts) 每一枪的伤害(提示:这里是一枪内所有子弹的伤害,如果设置了子弹分裂,则每颗子弹伤害=本项设定伤害/子弹分裂数量)
  18. gunDamage=70
  19. //The amount of health subtracted from the player when hit (ignores armor)
  20. armorPenetration=0
  21. //The max distance the bullet will travel 射程(格)
  22. maxDistance=64
  23. //The speed of the bullet 射速(每秒,格)
  24. bulletSpeed=4
  25. //The accuracy of the bullet (the lower, the better)
  26. accuracy=0.1
  27. //The accuracy of the bullet when aimed in (The lower, the better)
  28. accuracy_aimed=0.02
  29. //The accuracy of the bullet while crouched (the lower, the better)
  30. accuracy_crouched=0.05
  31. //The amount of blocks a gun will push you back 后坐力(每一发向后退的格数)
  32. recoil=0.2
  33. //The amount of blocks a player hit by your gun will be blown back
  34. knockback=0.5
  35. //Whether or not your gun can aim 辅助瞄准(false为按下后不瞄准,true为按下后画面放大瞄准)
  36. canAimLeft=false
  37. canAimRight=false
  38. //Whether or not you gun can headshot 是否爆头秒杀
  39. canHeadshot=false
  40. //Whether or not your gun can aim with the left or right mouse 射击按键(false为按下后不射击,true为按下后射击)
  41. canShootLeft=false
  42. canShootRight=true
  43. //The radius in which an explosion will reach
  44. explodeRadius=0
  45. //The amount of damage an explosion will do
  46. explosionDamage=0
  47. //The radius of fire that is created by a gun
  48. fireRadius=0
  49. //The message displayed when you are out of ammo 没有子弹时的提示
  50. outOfAmmoMessage=&f[&a枪械插件&f]&aWiki君友情提示:没子弹了...
  51. //The message displayed when you do not have permission to fire a gun 无权时的提示
  52. permissionMessage=&cYou do not have permission to fire this gun!
  53. //Whether or not you need to have permissions to fire a gun
  54. needsPermission=false
  55. //The type of bullet fired (SNOWBALL, EGG, ARROW) 子弹射出后的样子(设置鸡蛋可能会造成刷鸡)
  56. bulletType=SNOWBALL
  57. //The sound(s) ALL played (at the same time) when a gun is fired (seperated by commas. NO SPACES)
  58. gunSound=skeleton_hurt,zombie_wood,ghast_fireball
  59. //Whether or not a bullet has a smoke trail 射击烟雾
  60. hasSmokeTrail=false
  61. //The volume of the gun (between 0 and 2)
  62. gunVolume=1.5
  63. //Clip information 弹匣信息 hascilp=有无弹匣  max=弹匣子弹上限 reloadgunondrop=换弹 reloadtime=换弹时间,按照tick计算,1秒=20tick
  64. hasClip=true
  65. maxClipSize=35
  66. reloadGunOnDrop=true
  67. reloadTime=40
  68. //Whether or not the guns sound is local to the client or global
  69. localGunSound=false
输入/pvpgunplus reload重载

作者: Wikiworker    时间: 2015-12-5 22:32
作者: 13131313    时间: 2016-8-17 13:28
作者: qq1374690216    时间: 2016-12-16 19:55
//The sound(s) ALL played (at the same time) when a gun is fired (seperated by commas. NO SPACES)


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