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[版本] Minecraft Pocket Edition(携带版)Alpha 发布

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  • TA的每日心情
    2018-4-14 05:18
  • 签到天数: 1283 天


    发表于 2016-9-17 06:58:31 | 只看该作者 |0人打赏回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 Wolverine 于 2016-9-17 16:14 编辑

    Minecraft Pocket Editon(携带版)Alpha 已发布

    请各位玩家支持正版!新版本可在 iOS,安卓,以及 Windows Phone 平台上面下载


    • The Wither!
    • 凋零!
    • Nether star
    • 下界之星
    • Beacon
    • 信标



    • Tweaked the elder guardian's hitbox.
    • 调整了远古守卫者的碰撞箱。
    • Modified natural spawn rates for mobs to where they should be (wither skeleton).
    • 改进生物的自然生成率,生成在他们应该生成的地方(凋零骷髅)
    • Fixed performance issues (FPS drop).
    • 修复性能问题(掉帧)。
    • Lots of work on horses.
    • 在马上的许多工作。
    • Tweaked some UI spacing issues.
    • 修复一些用户界面间隔的一些问题。
    • Tweaked some issues with arrows.
    • 修复箭的一些问题。
    • More piston work!
    • 更多活塞工作!


    • Mob steps can be heard again.
    • 生物的脚步声能重新听到了。
    • Players can fill buckets while underwater, even in creative.
    • 玩家可以在水下装满箱子,甚至在创造模式中也可以。
    • Fixed it so that potions of harming will kill mobs rather than just making them drop loot.
    • 修复它以便于药水伤害会杀死生物而不是只让他们掉落战利品。
    • Replaced placeholder with the correct names of items.
    • 更换占位符为物品的正确名称。
    • Guardian & elder guardian attack animations are visible again.
    • 守卫者&远古守卫者攻击动画能再次看见。
    • Fixed it where mobs don't get knocked back by splash potions of healing.
    • 修复治疗喷溅药水不能使生物得到击退效果。
    • Fixed attribute inconsistencies in mobs & fixed multiple attribute loading bugs (some mobs ran too fast, some mobs had incorrect health, some mobs didn't show the correct health in their health bar.
    • 修复生物属性不一致 & 修复多个属性加载bug(一些生物跑得太快,一些生物有不正确的生命值,一些生物在他们的生命栏里不显示正确的生命值)。
    • Fixed crash after joining a LAN game.
    • 修复加入了局域网游戏后的崩溃。
    • Fixed randomly breaking boats.
    • 修复小船随机被破坏的bug。
    • Monster spawner no longer crashes the game when difficulty is set to peaceful.
    • 当难度设置为和平模式时,刷怪蛋不再使游戏崩溃。
    • Fixed a crash when a player threw a snowball, egg, or splash potions.
    • 修复玩家扔雪球、鸡蛋或者喷溅药水时的崩溃。
    • Zombie pigmen no longer hostile towards mobs.
    • 僵尸猪人不再敌视生物。
    • No more diving when riding a horse, pig, or donkey. (That's dangerous!)
    • 骑马、猪或驴时不再会潜水。(那很危险!)
    • Guardian laser beams change color now.
    • 守护者的激光束现在改变了颜色。
    • Markers on maps now correctly show direction when riding (animal, minecart, etc.)
    • 地图上的标记现在能在骑(动物、矿车等等)时正确显示方向。
    • Gamerule settings now persist in saved games.
    • 游戏规则设置现在在存档里依然存在。
    • Fixed issue where some mobs no longer dropped items.
    • 修复一些怪物不再掉落战利品的问题。
    • Players again spawn in "safe places" during initial world generation.
    • 当第一次生成世界时玩家再次重生在“安全地方”。
    • Players no longer float above beds while sleeping. ("There is no Dana, only Zuul.")
    • 玩家睡觉时不再在床上浮动了。(“没有Dana,只有Zuul。”)
    • Fixed crash when server spawns guardians & elder guardians.
    • 修复服务器里生成守卫者 & 远古守卫者时的崩溃。
    • You can hear the laser sound for guardians & elder guardians again.
    • 你可以重新听到守卫者 & 远古守卫者的激光声了。
    • Fixed items dropping from mobs incorrectly (not dropping for some, dropping for some that shouldn't have drops)
    • 修复生物不正确地掉落战利品(不会掉落一些,如果掉落一些,应该不会掉落)。
    • Chat window fixed- automatically updates messages when they come in.
    • 聊天窗口修复 - 他们进入时自动更新信息。
    • Two zombie villagers no longer spawn when a single villager is turning into a zombie.
    • 一个普通村民变成僵尸村民时两个僵尸村民不再生成。
    • Status effects no longer present after a player's death.
    • 玩家死后不再会出现状态效果。
    • Nether mobs no longer lose fire resistance.
    • 凋零生物不再会失去抗火效果。
    • Fixed projectiles so they can be shot in directions, not just at targets.
    • 修复投掷物,所以它们会击中方向,不只是击中目标。
    • Invisible players can no longer be seen and attacked by mobs.
    • 看不见的玩家能不再被生物看见和攻击。
    • Creeper again makes hissing ignition sound.
    • 爬行者能重新有Sssssss.....的声音了。
    • Iron golem now has an attack animation again.
    • 铁傀儡现在重新有攻击动画了。
    • Lightning strikes have sounds again.
    • 雷击声音又回来了。
    • Fireballs fixed: Blaze fireballs set blocks on fire & large fireballs are visible again.
    • 修复火焰弹:烈焰人的火焰弹能重新在方块上着火 & 大的火焰弹能重新看到了。
    • Fixed assorted crashes when loading/importing older worlds.
    • 修复加载/进入旧的世界时的各种崩溃。
    • Projectiles no longer hurt the player when reflected.
    • 投掷物反射时不再伤害玩家。
    • Iron golems will attack aggressive mobs again to defend villagers, themselves.
    • 铁傀儡将重新会攻击侵略的生物来保护村民和它们自己。
    • Fixed rare case of mobs spawning without heads.
    • 修复生物生成时罕见的没有头。
    • Fixed slime spawning size issues.
    • 修复史莱姆生成时的大小问题。
    • Zombie pigmen are again spawning with golden swords.
    • 僵尸猪人能重新拿着金剑生成了。
    • Elder guardian now attacks the player.
    • 远古守卫者现在能攻击玩家了。
    • Player no longer gets disconnected from the Realm after suspending & resuming the device/game.
    • 玩家在Realm里暂停 & 继续设备/游戏时不再会断开。
    • Fixed a crash when skeleton horse trap got triggered on peaceful.
    • 修复骷髅马在和平模式里触发陷阱时的崩溃。










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